share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Woo and Who!!!

2003-08-14 4:01 p.m.

All pricing info for 2004 is entered into MarRFP!! I realize this means jack-squat to anyone who's not me, but trust me, it's of the good.

I've had billion things going on lately so I'm going to do a bullet point update, as much for me and my great lack of organization as to update people who might stumble across this. Also some of it might be redundant as I have the memory of about 5 seconds:

** I'm not going to be able to go see Rockapella in KY for the Hazard/Louisville/Henderson gigs. Oddly enough Henderson is no longer on Pollstar. It's still on

** I'm still undecided about STL. I wanna go, but I be spending a bunch of $$ on travel in Dec so, eh maybe not.

** I'll be a happy little camper if RP manages to book a show for the NoVA area between Dec 7 and Dec 15. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Birchmere show.

** Red Elvises Show, Redondo Beach Pier, Aug 30. 6pm

** Nickle Creek & R.E.M. Sep 7, San Diego Street Scene

** Sept 26 - Oct 2 Jody's Visit!!!

** Oct 1, Season Premier of Angel (which Jody will just have to deal with watching). Yes, I caved. I read the spoiler from Ain't It Cool. The sad part, I didn't have much of a clue as to what the hell Herc was talking about. I got the "What" of what Spike's coming back as. Still beyond clueless about Gunn.

** Kindof a maybe but Common Rotation, Oct 4, The Knitting Factory - Hollywood. I've fallen totally in love with their 4 songs from the web site, totally jonesing for the cd I ordered. click here if you have no clue who I'm talking about But I may be kindof tired and broke after the Jody Visit but we'll see. Plus there's always Oct 11.

** Buffyfest, Oct 11 - Downtown SD. Common Rotation also playing that night.

** Novemeber, wide-ass-open and plan free. But the weather will be perfect for a Vegas weekend! It'd be so nice if Tradeout started in Nov instead of Dec.

**Dec 6-16, Home for The Holidays. Prozac Required! Board Rosh on the 5th ($220!!! Geez!) Ticket's "bought" with Dividend Miles (yay US Airways); straight flight from LAX to CLT. Rental Car from Alamo ($302.99. Damn I'm gonna be broke!) Once I get there, X-mas shopping for the Family shall commence. Given I have any money left. (I don't do the whole credit-card thing. I figure if I can't afford when I think I want/need it, then I don't need it.) Considering the December Plan, my November plan should probably be altered to "Sit My Ass At Home!"

Ok. I think that's everything. Oh, actually - I went to the Gyno today. When I was describing my sypmtons the first question he asked was "Does anyone in your family have a history of fibroid tumors?" I told him no, but that my mom has endometriosis. He scheduled an ultrasound for next Thursday. And he gave me some free-samples of some drug for the pain. I was going to check on-line to see what I could find out about it, but since I left the package in the car & I have that whole 5 second memory span thing, by the time I walked from my car to the hotel & sat at my desk, I don't remember the name of the drug. Maybe tonight I'll remember to put it in my purse so I can check tomorrow.

Also, if anyone knows Stephanie's e-mail address, or if Stef happens to read this, she mentioned the other day in a note about some book recomendations, which I would love to have. But I don't know how to contact her! So if someone could have her e-mail me? My addy is [email protected]. Thanks!!!

Now I think I'm done. At least for now :-)


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