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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Insert Profanity Here

2003-09-10 10:45 a.m.

Dear Lord in Heaven MY HEAD HURTS!!!

Stupid sinus headache. {sigh}

Get rid of the menstrual pain, get a whole new pain. Damnit.

Of course, trying to find the silver lining, this is probably a day or two of sinus pain whereas in North Carolina it was pretty much every day of my life. At least until I started taking allegra everyday. But since I'm in pain now, that silver lining doesn't help much.

Other News Type Stuff:

I've finally scheduled an appointment for a follow-up with the doctor about my ultrasound results. The office was converting to a new computer system so that's why it's taken them so long to get back with me. I don't know where to place this follow-up category in the good/bad area. Overall the whole uterus thing sucks so there ya go.

I also finally scheduled an appointment with a new psychiatrist. Yay Me!! This time I'm going to be prepared for my December Visit Home with the Family!! In theory anyway. Nothing like family to make you nucking futs. 10 days of them telling me I haven't accomplished jack-shit with my life because I'm not married with a screaming baby attached to my boob. And also them giving me major guilt because I had the audacity to move away and be happy with my life as I want to live it instead of staying where I wasn't happy just because it's what what people in the south do - live 5 miles from the rest of your family. See? Nucking futs. Maybe this doc will hook me up with some happy pills.....

On the true good news front, I found out today that I am going to get a raise. I won't find out until Monday what percentage I'm getting but I have to think that any additional money would be good. Plus it's going to be pretty much immediate. Jacqui's meeting with our HR director on Monday to get an exact percent & what that means in terms of dollars. Plus I'll still keep February as my review-for-pay-increase date -- but that is always capped at 5% for every manager regardless of position or current pay.

I'll be satisified with 10% for now, given I'll have the potential for another increase 4 months from now. Less than 10% will mean the job hunt will begin in February. Unless....

There's the Total Hotel thing which could still happen. Silly silly Marriott thing, but Revenue Management is actually a "new" department compaired to the 76 years Marriott's been in business. At at first we only looked at/controlled/analized transient rooms. Now Marriott's going to where Revenue Management also works with group rooms and catering space. This newness is called Total Hotel Revenue Management. The pay ranges for Total Hotel managers are much higher. Even if they are titled as a Rooms Inventory Manager - meaning they only do transient rooms sales, they still make more money than someone doing the same job but titled as a Revenue Manager. How bad does that suck? Well not at all for the people in a THRM cluster. But our cluster is still just regular RM, so less money.

Ugh, money talk not helping the headach. Time to go work for less than someone else doing the same job but with a different title. {do I sound bitter? I think I may be bitter. hhmmmm... interesting....}


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