share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Weekly Update

2004-04-29 9:55 a.m.

wow, almost a week since the last update. How slack am I? It seems to be becoming a pattern.

so let's see.... last weekend was good; low-key which is nice. I visited my favorite Valley & my favorite Guy Friend on Saturday, then chilled on Sunday.

Since then it's been the longest week ever, but life is like that when you're waiting for something you really want.

Last night was a great TV night. I watched the tape of James Marsters on Sharon; then Seth Green was on That 70's Show again. Yay for that.

Then there was the 4th to the last Angel. Yay for the episode, boo for 4th to the last. Good episode, Ben Edlund rocks. He has a weird sense of humor, as witnessed by The Tick, but most of the ep was humor free, more time travely action. But best line of the series for me: "I still like her more than Eve". Scary when the writers read my mind.

No big weekend plans. Hopefully the weather will co-operate on Saturday & I can do some photography. I miss that. Then Sunday I have a birthday party/cook-out thingy for Danielle. Should be fun :-)

Later Days


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