share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Monday, yet again

2003-05-05 12:35 p.m.

What a wonderful weekend I had of just sitting around on my ass doing a lot of nothing. I think I've finally gotten rested up from my vacation in NC. And yet the time still goes by way too fast & I find myself back at work & bored to tears.

I developed a theory this weekend that adverse weather creates character in people. And "perfect" weather turns people into fucking assholes. That's the best theory I can come up with as to why people in this city are such assholes to their fellow man. So far I've seen 3 people cussed out in various parking lots because the pedestrian walking (not in a crosswalk) felt the driver wasn't rolling to a stop fast enough. In none of these incidents was the pedestrian in the slightest danger of getting hit, yet they felt the need to cuss out the driver of the car. And don't get me started on why people who drive a mercedes, lexus, or bmw feel the traffic rules of a 4 way stop don't apply to them. I've yet to see a toyota, nissan, or dodge - either suv or sudan - try to steal the right of way. The other 3, every day. It's bad when going to the store - any store - makes you depressed at the sad state of humanity.

But back to the weather. You hear a lot of crap about how SD is the best city in the country and how LA is yucky with the traffic and the crime. Yet I see nice cars in LA & I have yet to see the same attitudes accompany the car. Maybe I'm not there enough & people are assholes everwhere, but my theory is that people in SD have somehow screwed up the joy of "perfect" weather with a sense of entitlement and a huge "the world revolves around me and me alone" mentality so that they don't how wonderful life can be and they should feel damn lucky they're not hiding in a storm cellar from tornados. But instead they continue to crawl over the backs of anyone and everyone whom they precieve to be in their way.

It's a work in progress. And I have a lot of time left in my sentance to work on the finer aspects


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