share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Vodka with a morphine chaser

2003-05-15 10:34 a.m.

You know how they have ambasol to rub on your gums when your teeth hurt, and bengay to rub on sore muscles? Well, why isn't there something like that for menstrual cramps? Just rub in on & you just go numb. that would be nice. but given the close proximty of the uterus to the bladder, it cold numb too big of an area & you might not know when you need to go pee. That would be bad. Kinda very.

They have these knew things that adhere to your skin & they heat up. Like a heating pad without a plug. But they're like $2.50 each & the box says the heat lasts for 8 hours, which it does. But if you wear it 8 hours, it might burn your skin, which it does. But lucky me, I have no sensation around the big ol' scar on my bikini line, so the burns didn't hurt. I didn't even notice them until a few days.

I'm quite glad I work in an office with 3 women. I don't have to feel bad about sitting here with a heating pad in my lap. But I finally got a perscription refilled for my 800mgs of motrin. 1600 mg of motrin combined with 1 percogesic & I was able to sleep a whole 6 hours last night before the pain woke me up at 4am. . In order to be able to function at my job today, 1 motrin, 1 perogesic and the heating pad seems to be a good combo. Although, I'm going to have to pop one of them again soon. but which one? Decisions decisions. Motrin's hard as hell on my stomcah, & I acetaminophen can cause liver damage. So I guess line the stomach with some pepto & pop a motrin? That'll work.

I watched the A&E TVogrophy of Buffy last night. It was good. Nothing new, but it's always good to see someone else realized this is quality tv, not total fluff as so many people have written it off to be. I'd love to see more play given to Joss, because he really is such an amazing wirter. But writers for TV shows never get the big fan-fair. Just like Directors of Photography. So no fair.

I tried to watch the last hour of Dawson's Creek. But between the pain, the hormones & Jenn's dying words on tape to her daughter, I was in tears. Serious sobbing. And I'm not a diehard fan of that show. I've wathched maybe about 5 episodes total. When I was living in charlotte it was cool to flip by & see Wilmington & Southport on TV. When I worked in Wilmington for 6 months, I hated that show, because their filming would screw up traffic so bad. But I tuned in last week, because what else was I going to do while waiting for Angel. And it was nice again to see the dogwoods and azaelias. So I tried to watch the last hour last night - basketcase. Stupid hormones.

5 days to Buffy Bash! guess I better find something to wear.....


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