share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Death To The Sprouts!!!!

2003-05-13 4:32 p.m.

I just spent about 30 minutes talking to Jody. I love that man! I was in tears from laughing so much. Everything he says in his awesome Charleston accent is funny. And the way he can take the stupid shit I say & make it something we'll joke about forever.... I was trying to remember the phobia where people are afraid to go out of their house (agoraphobia), but the best I could come out with was agriphobia & Jody's serious voice says, "yes, Tonya. Agriphobia. The dreaded fear of agriculture." And it just went from there. Then he laments the total overload of gay guys in Atlanta - he's gay - and is using a complete hyperbole to tell me how he pull into his parking lot and all he sees are buff men in tight white tees, hot pants & flip-flops. My serious voice: "Dude, you are so homophobic." His serious voice "you know, I am." Then we burst out laughing.

Then there was just a genral phobic kind of theme that jumped basicly by whatever came into Jody's eyesite on his drive home from work. We had to make up some of our own names - like phobia of dogs who have sars - DogaSARisphobia. I know it's not funny to anyone else, but everything is funny when I'm talking to Jody.

I feel bad for Anna - my coworker because she probably didn't get that we were joking. She's not a joking kind of gal. And even more bad for Anna, Jody totally gets my obsession with anthropology & just been talking with someone today who watched the Natl Geo show. I'm all into talking about maggots and flesh soup when I happen to remember that I share my office space. Poor Anna.

But I still have the left over happy from talking to Jody. My "Tonya's the Center of the Universe Plan" would be me, Jody & Christina all move to Vegas - desert, so not much agriculture ;-) - and Jody can taunt the showboys - and Christina can just laugh at us for being idiots ;-) then laugh at herself because she would totally get everything we were talking about. I love my friends :-)


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