share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

The Ying Yang Weekend

2003-05-18 12:47 p.m.

Friday's cookout at Mission Bay was awesome. So nice & relaxing. And also, Ana & Jacqui really know how to pick the right steaks for grilling. I was proactive enough to bring sunblock, after my not doing so on Earth Day in Balboa Park caused me great pain. However, I did forget a few body parts. I put sunscreen on my legs, my feet, my arms, shoulders, face & I even remember my ears. Sunburned ears, not so fun. But then I forgot two very important areas, my chest & my back. Big ouch factor by around 8pm on Friday night. My back's so burnt it's not even red, it's burgandy. I woke up about 5 times Friday night when rolling over hurt & every time I got up, put on more aloe, waited for it to dry so I wouldn't stick to the sheets, then back to bed. My 12 hour ordeal probably only ended up with a net 8 hours of sleep.

Saturday, I called Danielle around 10:30am to make sure we were still on for her coming to jump off my car. She said, "Of course, but I'm in Carlsbad, so it may be a few minutes after 11 when I get there." Cool, no prob. 10:40, my phone rings. Danielle has a flat tire. Oy Vey. She uses a can of fix a flat, drives to my place & I ride with her to Goodyear. They were able to give her a patch for only 15 bucks. Not bad. We go to target for me to get jumper cables & then back to my apartment for the jump. The battery takes the charge right away, but I can see oogie corrosion (sp) around the screw, so my worries of battery vs alternator are soon switched to "oh shit, I'll bet it's both." Guess what? Lucky me, it's both. $300 buck later my Sweet Little Bessy's back up & running.

So I called David (got his voicemail) to let him know lunch was off for Wednesday. I'm thinking I'm still going to the Buffy Bash because I've already paid for that, so at this point it's just gas money. I was going to get a hotel room for Tue night & then do lunch with David on Wednesday. But instead I'll drive up the Bash, cry like a baby, drive home.

So after the $300 for the car, it was off to Best Buy. Whoo-hoo, right? Wrong. Turns out I can't copy the tape onto my computer, because it's a laptop & I don't have the audio input drive I would need. Time to work on plan B. *note to self, e-mail Moe to bribe her to do it ;-) *

After BB, there was Ralph's where $75 bucks was spent. What an expensive Saturday this was becoming. I got home and thankfully remembered my library books that were due & this was the turning point in my day. I grabbed the books, looked at my sweet puppy who'd had too much alone time & said, "Wanna go for a ride?" She was so exicted she just ran around in circles for about 5 minutes. When I got her calm enough to get the leash on her we headed out & who's there but her pal Vincent? (Pug - looks just like the one from Men in Black II) She's happy & they start the sniffing. Then Sarah - mixed doggie owned by the same people that own Vincent - comes over sans leash. Sarah's always a litte iffy around Rosh, but vincent's cool. But after a real good sniff, Sarah's cool too. Then, even better... Mickey & CJ (beagle & basset hound) come out followed quickly by Pedro (mutt puppy & roshi's crush)!!! It was like a huge Block Party for the dogs. Pedro had a throw toy that kind of looked like a hedgehog & Roshi really wanted that. Actually all the dogs wanted that. But they played and ran and sniffed and had a great time for about 30 minutes. Then, bonus for Roshi, she still got to go ride. I think she had forgotten in all the Block Party frenzy.

I drove down to the library & of course Roshi was scared by the sounds of the books hitting the bottom of the return box. Then to Pet Smart, where Roshi is still scared of the sliding doors, even though she's been there about 25 times. But I found a hedgehog that was just like pedro's and a bone covered with the fabric of a tennis ball. Roshi seemed happy with both, as was I since they were both only 2 bucks each. We got home & Roshi couldn't decide which toy to play fetch with first. I love that little doggie.

I was so glad Rosh was loving the new toys because I really needed something to get me over the depression of so much money spent on non-fun things. I'd changed into a very comfy shirt that didn't hit the sun burn & applied more aloe & then the phone rang. It was David :-) calling from somewhere in New Mexico. I told him about the car/$$ issue so he suggested that after the Bash I just drive up to his place & crash. Then we can do a brunch thing on Wednesday. Seriously cool! He even said he'd give me the bed & he'd take the couch, but I'm not going to let him. He'll just barely be back from driving across country. I think he'll need the bed more. But anyway, my depression over $ is lifting when the phone rings again. I tell David I'll call him right back, get the phone & it's Danielle.

She's at a street festival in La Jolla, was looking at the flyer & guess who's playing at 8 o'clock? THE RED ELVISES!!!! Oh My God!! It's 6:30 as we're talking so she gives me directions & I call David back. He's all excited (or as excited as one so spock-like gets ;-) for me & by 8pm I'm standing there listening to Kick Ass Rok-n-Roll from Siberia!!! Those guys are so awesome. And they did 4 of favorite songs - Sad Cowboy Song, Rocket Man, Bellydance, & Sex in Paradise. They of course did more than 4 songs, & I liked the others, but those 4 are just so the coolest. Plus Danielle & Amy had a blast too!

After the show we went for more drinks & walked back to the stage area to await the next group. We ran into Oleg & Danielle was nervous about saying hi, but I just dragged her over. He was totally macking on her, but then everyone does cause she's so damn cute. We also talked to Igor a little, but he was mack free ;-)

Then the next band starts & it's War. I didn't know them until they started playing, but then I knew all they're songs. Also awesome, but totally different from the Red Elvies (and who isn't). So us gals are getting into the grove & dancing & singing, Danielle accidently trips (little tipsy were we all) and bumps me. I waver and am caught by, yes, hello - Adam the drummer for the Red Elvises. So Cool. War was awesome for the whole set, but they finished with their two most well known songs "Why Can't We Be Friends" and drum roll... "Low Rider." Do you really need me to gush even more about how awesome it was?

Over all, I'd have to say the Good beat out the Bad for Friday & Saturday. And I'm so glad it did :-)


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