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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

The countdown is on...

2003-05-19 9:23 a.m.

34 and 1/2 hours until the final new Buffy ever! I'm fighting off the sad, because I'm wanting to enjoy every second of the "happy anticipation" for a new episode.

Who knew that 6 years ago when I said "well, the movie sucked, but I'll check it out." I'd become come such a diehard? {{much the same way I said, "um, ok I'll listen to the tape you made." to David when he kept telling me about Rockapella ;-) }}.

But I guess if I had known I was going to go through the worst breakup in my life with the one man I've ever been in love with at the exact same time Angelus was saying "dream on Schoolgirl" to Buffy {Innocence - Season 2}, then it wouldn't have been a surprise at all that I would come to love this TV show so much. I was watching it every week and loving it, but when there was an amazingly well written and well acted "aftermath" of the breakup coming on every week, well, I was shocked. Before the Angelus thing, I was watching this show thinking "yeah, I remember being in high school and feeling whatever-whatever." But then Joss kicked in Surprise, Innocence, Passion, I Only Have Eyes for You, Becoming I & II and let me just say WOW!! Here's our hero and she's not happy bouncy care-free. She's in pain and it's everyday. It wasn't just written for a one time plot point {{tonight on a very special Blossom....}} It was at that point I realized Joss was truly a genius. Like so many truly great artist, he's able to REALLY take from real life & and tell the story so that we care about the people in the story. And it's not about plot points and ratings. It's about the characters.

Alot of people have complained about season 6 and it's darkness. Yeah, because everyone comes right out of high school & makes all the perfect decision from 18 to 22. Right. I look back at the decisions I made from 18 to 22 and wish I had been on crack, because at least then I'd have a good excuse for the stupid shit I did. So how is it you can think BtVS is the best show ever when it shows the first real heartbreak of our teenage years in a true perspective, then hate it when it shows the the first relationship you got into because you were lonely and confused & your whole life was out of wack so it just seemed like a good idea at the time? Hello? Double Standard Much?

I think if people haven't been through the emotions of season 6 in real life, well bully for them. But they can't relate so they say they hated it. Or they have been through those emotions & made some similarly stupid decisions but can't stand to look back on them, because then they'd have to admit they fucked up. So instead of looking in the mirror, they say they hate season 6. But I seem to have gotten off track....

So tomorrow it's over. I spent 45 minutes last night trying on clothes to find the perfect outfit. Turns out I don't own the perfect outfit & didn't have the money to go to the store & buy it. So I found the outfit that's comfortable, can pass as kinda dressy and the shirt won't hurt my sunbrunned back. I'm going out on a limb with the color mixtures - light blue cotton top, with navy flower design down the left; dark purple skirt to the ankles; black sandles. When I say it outloud, it sounds like Jody should slap the hell out of me, put in my mirror it seemed to work.....

Well, I guess I need to work since I'm leaving around 1:30 tomorrow. Ugh. work sucks.



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