share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

More rambling

2003-06-02 5:11 p.m.

I don't know why there's comfort in knowing that others are going through the same thoughts and emotions that you are. I guess it takes the edge off the isolation that can be built up by anger or frustration.

I read Jenn's thoughts of hating Sunday night because she spends so much of it dreading returning to work on Monday. That was a big Me Too moment. But I feel lucky that I'm at least not coming in dreading the axe. Poor Jenn. Poor Jenn's Kitty :-(

When I read Angela's entry today and she said "I need a job with some kind of purpose in my life." I just wanted to cry out in happiness! Not at her frustration, but that I'm not the only one who wants a job that has a purpose and not just a paycheck! And I know I'm not, it would be silly to think that I was. But when you're in the Great Corporate Machine, you start to feel like you are. The problem is finding one that has a purpose, yet still enough of a paycheck so you aren't homeless & starving.

It seems like everyone seems to be having job problems lately. I'm glad Amy got the job she wanted. Happy news is a nice change.

On the front of completely weird news - Roshi had a weird moment this weekend. Saturday evening, I'm sitting on my butt, still feeling like crap & running a low grade fever (that's not related to the story I just want to be whiney today - Call me Dawn ;-). Roshi's doing normal doggie stuff, playing with her toys and such. Then all of a sudden I notice that she's just standing completely still. Granted she's a big scaredy-cat, but usually if she's scared of something her fur on her back goes up - just like a cat, and she barks. She had the fur up, no barking. Then she comes flying to the couch and is up on my shoulder, a place she hasn't been since she was about 6 months old. I get her down on to my lap and am talking to her in a soothing voice and she's just shaking like a leaf! And it took her about 15 minutes to calm down! I didn't hear any noise out of the ordinary - she barks at people and cats, she ignores the jets from Miramar or sirens on the street. So I have no clue what was wrong with her. My first thought was "holy crap, we're going to have an earth quake!" because you always see that on tv - the animals go all freaky before a quake. But Thank God, no quake. Well, there were two small ones on Sunday about 15 miles away that registered 2.0, but they were at 5am and 8am the next day. Everyone I've told has said - not the earthquake theory - but "maybe she was sensing some paranormal something." At least I surround my self with a consistant type of people...




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