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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

And now an Actual Entry

2003-07-02 5:45 p.m.

5:45 pm pacific. I guess there's some people very happy to be at BB Kings in New York right now :-) I hope they don't have too much fun & get all tuckered out cause I'm hoping for details tomorrow!!

My dinner idea for last night turned out really well - the soft corn tortillias, beans & rice, & avacado thing. So well that it may be dinner tonight too.


Now I must confess a shameful, shameful secret. I've become addicted to a new TV show.... America's Next Top Model. Yes, I should be shot. but only after being beaten. I'm not a "reality" show person. I don't watch any of them, Survivor, the bachlor, the bachlorette, Big Brother, none. I've adamently refused to be sucked in. Until now.

Maybe it was just habit that made me constantly turn to channel 13 on Tuesday nights. But a few weeks ago I started watching. And it's actually over I think next week. But still.... now that I've owned up to my secret I have to say.....

I am so FUCKING happy Robin got the boot!! People like her are just so bad for the Southern image & the reason so many people are anti-The Church. Last night she got booted because she refused to do a shoot that would give the "appearance" of nudity. Has the girl never looked at a magazine before? Then she's all "Well, it's in God's hands now." Not it's wasn't, it was totally her decision not to do what she was brought on board to do. Just like any other job, if you don't do part of what you're hired to do, you're outy. Plus the week before when she thought no one was looking she was waving her naked boobs in the make-up guy's face. Somehow I don't really think that's what Jesus would have done. Nor would he have made rude comments all through dinner, read the bible instead of making conversation in the limo ride, and then make catty comments about Adrianne behind her back.

It just disgusts me when people use religion as a crutch. But then that's probably an easy way to go through life too, because anything that never works out, "Well, it was Gods will." Do people really think God has nothing better to do? He's the creator of the universe and all that's in it, yet people expect him to run their day to day lives? Try getting off your ass & looking in the mirror. We're not sock puppets in Gods little theater. Every thing bad that happens in life isn't because of the devil either. You and your actions create the reactions around you. Hurricane? Probably God. Ya didn't get that promotion you wanted? hhmmmmm........

It's like people on-line who go to one area, like a yahoo club, then act like a total bitch or whiney brat, then don't understand why people don't like them. so they go to a new yahoo club, act the same way, same thing happens. Color me shocked. Then maybe they decide the whole public club scene isn't working, so they try a private club, or maybe a new scene altogether and guess what - 2 or 3 months later when you stumble across them again - they're either cussing people out or bitching about somebody else not liking them. Geez. I'm not saying I'm perfect cause LORD KNOWS I'm far from it - I'm bitchy and am possilby insane, but at least I fucking admit it. I know people don't like me, but that's ok, they're plenty that do. But for those who constanty lash out and blame others I say:

LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!! SOMETIMES IT IS YOU!!! Not everyone's going to like you, but if 2 - 3 years later people are still avoiding you like the plague and you refuse to change? Don't bitch. Just shut the fuck up & move on, kay?

hhmmmm. So maybe my "mood" posting wasn't just about my co-workers. Go fig.

Anyway, I hope Elyse wins. Adrianne has a beautiful face, but she needs a vocal coach. Too nasal, kinda flat Shannon doesn't have a chance in hell.

~later days


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