share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Happy Happy Weekend Time

2003-07-25 6:24 p.m.

My happiness for the weekend is slightly marred by the discovery I just made that I forgot to update the Courtyard's pricing sheet for 2004. Damnit. I'll try really hard to come in on Sunday and get that done. But probably not.

My December vacation home to visit the family is all official now. Jacqui approved the time off; non-stop flight from LAX to CLT & back the same way is booked via Dividend Miles (meaning Free - the best kind of flight); Rental car reservation made. Yay me. And I know LAX is 2 hours from me and SAN is about 20 minutes, but I can leave my car the Residence Inn in Santa Clarita and David said he'd give me a ride to the airport on Sat the 6th. Hopefully he'll be able to pick me up on Wednesday the 16th since I get in before he usually has to go to work, but we can figure all that out in December. But LAX was the only way to get non-stops. And the 2 hour drive will equal out to the same amount of time it usually takes to land, wait, board new plane & take off again. Non-stop is much preferred.

I'm still undecided about KY & Pella. There's so much here in California I haven't done & I have seen RP 13 times. I'm starting to lean back towards waiting for them to do a show in Cali. It's like do I do one BIG Pella weekend in KY or a lot of little weekends around here. There's Red Elvises to be seen again, Nickel Creek is going to be in LA and San Diego I think in Sept, I'm jonesin for a Vegas trip, I really want to go to Sea World - and when it gets cooler the Wild Animal Park.....

Decisions, decisions....


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