share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Will This Monday Never End?

2003-09-22 5:13 p.m.

I seem to be in my usual Monday Funk. I shan't rant about it here because I think it'll just make me more crabby.

Ok, I take that back, I will rant about one thing. My phychatrist is driving me nuts. She has her PhD, but also has her MD. So "just to be sure" she wants me to have this whole series of blood tests for thyroid, blood sugar, etc. Cool, no prob. But she also wants me to have an baseline EKG. While I get the logic of it -- if she were to perscribe meds she wants to be sure I don't have any heart condition -- it's a feakin pain in the ass. 1 because I have to pay $20 (co-pay) a week for my session, another $20 to get all the blood work done, then another freakin $20 for the ekg because it's a different doctor. But that's not the huge issue. The huge issue is who the hell does that? I don't have my very own Cardioligst so I'm having to just go through my Providers list to find someone to do it whom I'm not a patient of. No luck so far. grr.

ok, rant over.

My weekend was good. Kinda hot, unless you're Netty ;-), but good. Sat I went to Wal-Mart. Ever the mistake as I spent way too much money. Sunday was SO cool. I drove up to LA to have lunch with Netty and Sean. We went to Old Pasadena which is just so stinking cute! Great atmosphere and I loved the architechture (sp???). Plus great Italian food for lunch. Netty took me to this cool store where they have home-made doggie treats. Since Roshi had been pouting when I left, I bought her a couple.

I got home and after her walk gave her one of the two. It looked like an eclair I think, maybe that's not what it's called, but some kind of pastry. But it was 2 doggie biscuits together, which would be too big for her mouth, so I took them apart. She promptly took one & ran to the couch. She tried to bury the treat under the throw I keep there. Later she apparently went back for the 2nd part & buried under my covers on my bed. I discovered it when it was time to go to bed. Silly dog.

So anyway, Sunday was fun. I spent my entire drive back listening to The Nutcracker (Tchaikovsky). I think that is one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written.

Now I do think I'll head to the grocery store.


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