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change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

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Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Partial Nudity and Graphic Sceens??!!??

2003-10-16 11:10 a.m.

I waited with great anticipation last night for the new Angel episode. I probably shouldn't have has so much anticipation because I was a little disappointed in the episode.

Before seeing next weeks preview I had the thought of "man I hope they deal with this Spike/ghost issue soon". Last week when he was following Angel around being annoying, it was fun to see Angel annoyed. Mr. Calm and Cool with ruffled feathers was fun. This week it was just damn annoying. Aside from the small amount of "building" -- Spikes's vanishing act is getting worse and Fred needs to help him -- it was a Stand Alone. And while Joss said this year would be big with the Stand-Alones, this one was kind of "moral of the week".

We all have to fight our inner demons, we can't let the pressures of life pull us away from the ones we love, blah, blah, blah. I kept waiting for Angel to do his Stan impersonation, "I learned something this week....."

But then there was the preview.... I watched all 7 years of Buffy and 3 years of Angel. Given the genre, it's not a stretch to say that most of the shows have had graphic content and Spike spent a good portion of Season 6 in Partial Nudity. In one ep he was so naked they had to digitally edit something in front on his privates.... So why the warning on next weeks Angel? Maybe it's just a rating's booster attempt. I can't imagine it could be that much worse than anything they've done before, but I could be wrong...

I'll be tuning in anyway, but given that there's more Nearly Naked Spike to be seen that will make the Anticipation that much sweeter ;-) Given James Marsters rock hard abs, I can overlook any moralizing that might come my way.


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