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change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Life of the Party

2003-10-30 4:49 p.m.

I was pleasantly pleased with last night's Angel. Mainly because I thought I was going to hate it.

The intro was interesting. We see Lorne walking, talking, theme music playing in the background... "have your assistant call my assistant" kinda thing. He goes into his office and is "off-stage". He rubs his head like he's got a killer headache & all of a sudden his reflection's talking to him - in a harsh pep talky kind of way. Lorne eventually smashes the mirror, but works is mojo back up so that when he goes back in the hall, theme music is blaring.

I still hate Eve. She's annoying, she moves her lips funny when she talks, and I just want to smack her. But I was grateful for her going into Angel's bed room when he was walking out of the shower. Nearly naked David B? Nice. Very Very Nice.

I like Knox and Fred, but I feel sorry for cute little Wes being so jealous.

Pat summed up all the good lines - the "Eve you stay here and have more sex with me" was a true laugh out loud moment.

Wes & Fred were cute drunks. Gunn "marking his territory?", um ewww. But still kind of funny (a little back ground shot of Wes trying to get him to stop while Naked Angel was talking to Lorne. I liked the Arch Duke guy oddly enough. Just very clam in the face of all the zaniness. Spike was awesome with his Positive Attitude (Pick ME!! I'm your People Person!!!), and Harmony's just fun. Lorney-Toons :-) Ya gotta love it.

I never got to re-watch the Naked Spike from last week, so baring any need to re-pack for possible evactuation I'm looking forward to an uneventful Saturday to Rewatch the Naked Men of Angel.


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