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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Insert Update Here

2004-01-27 1:24 p.m.

The weekend was good. Saturday was kinda cruddy because it was cold and rainy. The high was only 53. Throw in the rain & Tonya was an indoor kitty.

But since there was much ACC basketball action, I was quite ok with being inside. UNC beat Virginia & Duke beat Georgetown. UNC and NC State play tomorrow at 7pm eastern so I have to get to work super-early tomorrow so I can leave at 4. I'll miss the first few of the game, but with the ACC its all about the last half.

Sunday I decided I needed some comfort food so I drove to Yuma, AZ to eat at the Cracker Barrel. I had forgotten how good their food is. While there I had Momma's Pancake Breakfast (3 pancakes, 2 eggs, bacon {or sausage or ham if you want} plus I added a side of grits). Good stuff. Then I did a to-go order of Chicken & Dumplins, greens & fried apples. Oh so very good.

Plus the drive was awesome. I got to go through the serious mountains of CA - 4,000+ elevation, then down into the serious desert - where it's all sand dunes, no vegatation at all. That was the first time I'd ever seen that so that was a big yay. The only reason the whole trip wasn't awesome was because I had a major sinus headache. When I got home I took 2 tylenol sinus & laid down at 5:30pm, and didn't wake up until 6:30am on Monday.

Yesterday was just a normal work day. Jacqui's back from her vacation so big yay for me only having my job to do this week. Plus she's totally come to terms with me moving back to the east coast & is all about me looking out for me. So that's cool.

As in interesting side note not related to anything I've been talking about, on Christmas day I was flipping through the channels and game across this woman minister speaking. Her name was ringing a bell & it turns out she was someone that a friend had recommended to me to check out. Her name is Joyce Meyer & she is great! I kinda think that if Mo became a minister, this is what she'd be like. One of those "tells you like it is" people. I love people like that. So I've been starting off my work mornings watching her show (it comes on at 7am pacific). It seems to put the day off on a good foot so to speak.

and now I'm done.


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