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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

"Destiny", acts 3 & 4

2004-01-30 3:19 p.m.

cont from yesterday.....

Act 3

The act starts with Spike and Andrew still walking the docks loocking for Dana. Andy gives us the Scooby Gang update - Potential Round-up seems to be the name of the game. Xander's in Africa; Willow & Kennedy are in Brazil, and seem to be spending a lot of time in Rio. I hate Kennedy, Wil could do so much better, but I guess that's not what's important. Buffy and Dawn have settled in Rome & Dawn's going to school there. Seems she doesn't know Spike's alive, or if she does there's been no big conversation about it. Andrew offers to fill her in, but Spike adamently declines. As Andrew goes on yapping, we see that Dana's watching them from the rooftop.

Cut to W&H, Angel wants to find out who killed Dana's family.

Back to Spike & Andy, Andy just keeps on a yapping until Spike stops. And sniffs:

A: What's it smell like? Blood I mean.

S: Metalic. Every taste a penny?

A: No. Wait... No.

S: Smells like that.

So goofy Andrew finds a penny on the ground. At the docks. Then the goob tastes it. Yeah, not so good. As Spike tracks the blood he says "smells stronger."

Andrew: "Like Nickles???" I love Andrew!

Seems Dana's put her on blood all over the wall to lure Spike into the dead end alley. She knows the crap out of Andrew, much fighting with Spike ensues. Andy gets up and tries to tranq her, gets his ass kicked again & Dana goes running off into the night with Spike in hot pursuit. Guess where she runs to? Yep, the basement o' torture.

As Spike goes down the still creepy looking stairs, he see's Dana waiting. And boy-howdy is she nuts.

Spike: Now that I've got your scent, there's no escaping.

Dana: No escaping.

S: That's right. Now I don't want to hurt you...

D: Doesn't hurt if you hold still

S: right?

D: Heart & Head

S: Oh, that's slayer talk!

and he tries to explain how since she's a slayer she has all these memories, but she's getting mixed up.

D: Don't. I need to get home to my son. To Robin.

S: Robin? Oh yeah, you're remembering Niki, the slayer I offed in....

D: You killed her!

S: Right, best not to focus on that.

D: William the Bloody....

and she keeps "rambling" until he follows her into the corner.... "Yellow makes you weak. Not weak anymore", the she knocks Spike out and drags him over to where she was chained up when she was 10 & it's all mixed in with flash backs of Spike carrying little-girl-her & him chaining her up... D: "Don't cry, they can't hear you" and she gets the box... D: "Piece by piece..." S: "what..." she takes a needle and fills it up & put it in Spike's arm... D: "piece by piece. Yellow makes you weak. Can't hurt me anymore." Spike tries to speak. D:"shh.... count backwards. 10, 9, 8, 7..... fade to black

W&H - the guys are all still in the boardroom & they can't figure out how to find Dana. Then Fred has a breakthrough, wiskey smells like molasses when you're cooking it. Andy pops, all bloody, to tell everyone that Dana got Spike.

Back to Spike coming out of sleepy time.... Spike's trying to talk but it's all slurred... says he doesn't feel right. Off camara we hear Dana: "piece by piece"

Spike:What did you do to me?

Dana: (still oc) "loosing all your pieces (flash on the bone-saw then back to confused Spike) Not weak. (full shot of Dana with the saw in her hand) You can't touch me anymore."

The shot goes back to Spike, he lifts both his arms and Dana has chopped the boy's hands off.....

End Act 3

Act 4

The scene opens still on Dana but then we go to back & forths between her and Spike.

S: (looking at his handless arms) Oh God!

D: No more daddy. No more mommy. no more hands. can't touch me ever again.

S: (confused) I never touched you.

Dana hits him.

The light bulb goes on in Spike's head and he starts explaining, with more than just a little panic in his voice, that her slayer visions are getting mixed up with her on memories. He's hurt a lot of people but never her. Her flash backs start changing. She sees Spike carrying her, then the man who really did it. She sees Spike chaining her, then she sees the man who really did it. Then Dana says something in Chinese (and because I'm a big geek I know that it's "Tell my mother I'm sorry" which is what the Slayer in the Boxer Rebellion told Spike right before he killed her. Fool For Love Buffy S5)

Then with complete clairty, Dana says "you killed them both". And she's just about to finish Spike off when Angel comes to the rescue. He tells Dana the name of the man who killed her family and that he's been dead for 5 years. She pauses for a moment then hits Angel. They fight until it's Dart Guns (tranquilizers) to the rescue.

Outside the warehouse, Spike's brought out on a gurney. If you're a long time viewer of Angel, you know his hands can be re-attached. W&H did it for Lindsay, so no problem to do it for Spike. Then they bring Dana out. Angels all giving orders, he wants Dana chained in the truck, armed guards, blah blah blah, when low-and-behold, out steps Andrew!

He tells Angel good job, thanks,etc then says "I'll take her from here". Angel just scoffs and starts to give orders to his crew & Andy steps in front of him again. "No.... She's a Slayer. That means she's ours."

Angel: Yeah... that's not how it works.

Andrew: No, I don't think you heard me Angel......

(And out of the shadows walks a big ol Amry of Slayers.)

Andrew: You think we're just going to let you take her back to your evil strong hold? As they say down in Meh-he-co, No.....(confused pause) we're not going to let you.

Angel says yet again that its not going to happen.

Andy: "check the viewscreen... I got 12 Vampire Slayers behind me & not one of them has ever dated you! Such an awesome line she's coming with us one way or another.

Angel (still all condescending): you're way out of your league. I'll just clear this with Buffy.

Andy: Where do you think my orders came from? News Flash! Nobody in our camp trusts you anymore. Nobody. You work for Wolfram & Hart. Don't fool yourself. We're not on the same side.

Huge ouch for Angel! He lets them take the girl.

There was a coda, Spike and Angel blah, blah, blahing over all the evil they did when they were souless. Again, I'm over that, so I'll say nada, other than James looked kinda old there in the bed. but still hot.

End Ep.

Previews for next week, 5.12, 100 of the series, You're Welcome... Cordy's back. And she's all skinny again & wearing skin tight outfits. But she's only around for this one ep. But Yay anyway. Looking forward very much!

ok, I'm outtie :-)


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