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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

People are the Strangest People

2004-02-09 3:16 p.m.

I try not to rant as much anymore cause when I get strated I turn into bitch-extrodinare but sometimes ya just gotta, so here goes:

About 46% of the apartments in San Diego take pets & there's about 1,300 in the county (listed on Of that 46%, only 1/3 take dogs. That's around 200 out of 1,300. So, if you're deathly afraid of dogs, why on God's Green Earth would you move in to one of the very few apartments that take dogs?

It's not like there's a huge shortage of apartments in the city. And even our "complex" which is huge -- there's 4 different sections and only one of the 4 takes dogs -- has vacancies like gonzo plus the rent on our side of the street is higher just for the privalage of our one set taking dogs. Then it's an additional $35 a month if you do have a dog.

Seriously, if you wanted to rent a 1 br on the other side of the complex, it would start at $875. On our side it starts at $975. Exact same apartment w/ some BS about how more yard maintance is needed on our side cause some people don't pick up after their pooches (which sadly is true so maybe it's not BS).

So anyway, there's this guy that I see from time to time, cause his apartment is on Roshi & Randy's walk path and he never says anything, but he just stops until they're out of range. No big. But then a few weeks ago this family moves into the apartment beside Pedro's apartment. Sunday morning Randy, Roshi & Pedro were off lease running around. And granted it's not exactly legal to have them off leash, but that's been their play spot forever plus they're tiny tiny little dogs! Roshi is 6 inches high, 12 inches long and at most weighs 13 pounds when wet. Pedro and Randy are a little bigger but not much and this woman comes out of her apartment and all but goes into a panic attack because of the dogs. No worries, right? I'm a responsible pet owner, as is Pedro's dad. We call the dogs to us and hold them while she takes her basket of clothes to the laundry room, plus wait to give her time to load up & come back out. So then she goes back into her house, waits 10 minutes to bring out another load & it's the same situation again & the dogs made no move to go towards her either time, but she still has a shit-fit. So we round them up again to give her time to get in and out & back in to her apartment. Guess what? 10 mintues later, she's back with another load of laundry and starts yelling at us about how she was bit by dogs years ago and we should keep our dogs on the leash. Well, honestly I do hate it that she was bit, and I'm sorry she has a phobia, but Geez Freakin' Louise!!!

If you're that freaking traumatized try renting an apartment in one of the 800 complexes that don't take dogs!!!!! Stupid woman.

ok, rant over :-)


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