share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

stealing girl talk from Madeline

2004-03-03 2:52 p.m.

(who's boss really does deserve a spitting on)

01. Do you stuff your bra?


02. Have you ever stuffed your bra?


03. What make-up do you wear daily?

*foundation. sometimes lipstick

04. What are your underwear like right now?

*pink, cotton, Hanes, bikini cut

05. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

*about 15

06. Come on, tell the truth. Is that really your true hair color?

* I couldn't even begin to tell you. I would guess brown with a good bit of grey in it, but who knows.

07. What do you most like about your body?

*my eyes & my fingernails

08. And least?


09. How many fillings do you have?


10. Do you think you�re good looking?


11. Do other people often tell you that you�re good-looking?

* I don't generally talk to people. I'm very anti-social.

12. Do you look like any celebrities?


13. Do you like a man with muscles or not?

*muscles are nice, but it's not what matters.

15. Does your dream guy have long or short hair?


17. How long is your leg hair?

*about 2 days worth of long. I don't often measure it... Do other women measure it? that's odd.

21. Are they your eyebrows?

*I don't know what that means? does that mean do I have them waxed? I do. But I don't know of anyone who goes around wearing other people's eyebrows.

23. When did you last have a hickey, and where?

*couldn't tell ya. high school I guess & I would guess my neck.

24. Are you on birth control?


25. Can you dance?

*dance, yes. well? no.

26. Can you lick your nipple?


27. Do you struggle with self-esteem?

*very rarely. I'm also very conceited. It goes well with being anti-social. and self-absorbed.

38. Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?


29. When was your first period?

*6th grade. 21 years of monthly pain. gotta love it.

30. If you unexpectedly got pregnant, what would you do?

* change my name to Mary cause that's the only way it would happen.

31. Are you pro-choice?


33. Do your underwear and bras usually match?

*no. I only have 2 bras. 1 black, 1 white; my panties are pretty much every color in the rainbow. except green and yellow. I don't like yellow.


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