share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Another Week Gone By.....

2004-05-07 3:56 p.m.

I'll start off with TV (my favorite thing):

I loved last night's Friends finale :-)

-I loved Chick Jr & Duck Jr.

-I love it that Gunther finally professed his love & the timing was perfect!

-I laughed my ass off @ "I think I should kick you in the balls now to see which hurts more".

-The 2 babies were a happy shock :-) "I don't care if the cast of 8 Is Enough comes out of there..." too funny!

-I was happily surprised at how much I was cheering Ross on to make it to the airport in time & I was sad when he delivered the line "JFK" absolutely perfectly.

-The "falangee" sceen was funny

-Monica slipping the mover money "if the dog doesn't make it" was too cute, but you'd think she would have been pissed about having joey's ass print in red paint on her cream sofa....

-I'm right there with Madeline on the scene with Ross yelling at the phone & Rachel saying "I got off the plane" and yes, I bawled, after I gasped out loud. But it was a happy bawling!

-I thought the last scene was perfect... Chandler's speech to the babies made me cry even more, then it made me laugh & the 6 keys (that no one ever needed because the door was always unlocked) was just perfect perfect perfect. I can't even explain why other than to say it seemed liked a perfect representation of there bond as friends.

Huge kudos to the writers and the actors!

Bitter Sweet Happiness :-)

Ok now for real-life stuff:

I've been in an evil mood this week. I hope it's hormones and it's gone next week because I hate that filled-with-rage-for-no-apparent-reason feeling.

Much effort this week has been put into planning my move. I've set up the movers and planned out the entire driving route. I still have to make room reservations at my designated-stop cities, but there's tons of time for that. I haven't found an apartment yet, but I'm working on that. I got some awesome help from someone who may hopefully be a new friend, so that's cool. Also, I've made a dent in the packing, so yay for that too :-)

Given my very unual ahead-of-schedule-ness, that is so not like me, I'm giving myself the day off tomorrow to drive around San Diego and take photos. It's been too too long since I've done that. Then Sunday I'll be back to the pre-move grindstone.

Next weekend should be cool. On Saturday the Red Elvises are playing at Rusty's on the Santa Monica pier. Danielle is going up to hang out that weekend with friends & her friends are cool with going to the show. Also, Netty & Sean might make it, but I've yet to hear for sure from David. I hope he can make it too cause hanging out with so many friends at once listening to awesome music is just a wonderful experience.


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