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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Weekend ReCap

2004-08-23 9:34 a.m.

The weekend was good :-) Friday after work I went to Borders & had hoped to buy the 3rd Watchers Guide & the 2nd in the 3 "Dark Willow" books. Borders sucks cause they didn't have either! (just kidding about the sucking, I love Borders) Well, they may have had them and maybe I wasn't looking the in the right places, i seem to have trouble finding Buffy books. Anyway, I did get "Dusted: The Unauthorized Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Very good - in the vein of "Bite Me". {{Note to Pat: there's a Tales of the Slayer Volume 4 "not yet released" listed on - but with no release date listed.}}

I also got The Da Vinci Code finally. I've been waiting to for the paperback because I just didn't want to pay $24 to $29 dollars for it, depending on the store. Borders had it on sale, I think it ended up being around 16 or so. I wouldn't let myself start reading Friday night cause I knew I'd get zero sleep.

Saturday, I slept late, then hung out with the doggies for a bit, then ventured into the rain to go get my oil changed. The 2 hours I had to wait at the dealership was ample time to get me sucked into Da Vinci. While driving back from the dealership, I talked with Christina & we decided to pass on doing something until Sunday - I so didn't want to venture into The District in the rain. So instead I spend the evening reading. I know that sounds like a boring way to spend a Saturday night, but I enjoyed it.

Sunday, I met Christina in the District, and I have to tell ya the streets around the Farragut North are confusing as hell because that's the intersection where 17th street moves over a block & L St disappears for a whole block - depending on which exit you come up at. I came up on the K Street side cause I knew there was a park there. Christina was running late, so I got a white chocolate mocha & a magazine and chilled in the park. It was an amazingly beautiful day.

Once Christina arrived we wandered around in the general direction of the National Geographic Museum where they had an exhibit on dogs. It was a pretty good exhibit, kinda small, but cool. I also managed to astound (or possibly bore) Christina with my knowledge of "who has that kind of dog". They had a huge 1/2 of the wall with pictures of various breeds and I was pointing out a Caviler King Charles Spaniel cause Xina said she'd never seen one - so then I had to point out the types of dogs owned by the Queen of England, the current Pres, his dad.... I might not be the biggest Bush fan out there, but they do have damn fine tastes in dogs :-)

After leaving there we debated going to the Renwick, but it was too beautiful to spend all day in museums, so we wandered around some more. We got to see "the sniper" who patrols the roof of The White House - neat and also kinda creepy - and a lot of "The" builings - The Tresuary Building, The Bar Association, The... you get the idea. Eventually we ended up at Old Ebbits for dinner, which was fabulous. We debated meeting some of Xina's friends in Old Town, but i had laundry to do and a book to finish reading, so we called it a day.

When I got home, you guessed it, I did laundry & finished Da Vinci Code. I won't spoil it for anyone who has yet to read it, but I will say I enjoyed "Angels & Demons" more.

For today it's a couple more hours of work, then I'm off to PA to meet Pat, hang out, and see The Coats. Yay!


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