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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

The Weekend of Ouch!

2003-05-27 12:57 p.m.

I've read through everyone's diarys and it seems like everyone had good weekends, and a couple great ones. Mine so wasn't good. In fact it was painful & if you're of the squimish nature, you may want to skip this entry.

Since Thursday I've felt run down, but not really sick. I was blaming it on the vast amount of smog & associated junk that I inhaled in LA on Tue & Wed. But no, it was not. Instead, me being tired as hell was my body's reaction to a Bartholin cyst. If you're terribly curious, this will give you the vivid where of it all.

Not to be sacreligious, but what the hell was God thinking when he decided that would be a good place for a gland? Then make it so that it could form a cyst that would abscess when it became infected? Ugh. So now, post-lancing (which hurts like a son-of-a-bitch), I'm on 500mgs of Keflex, 4 times a day - Hello to the drymouth & of course the inevitable yeast infection that always arrives a few days after I start antibiotics. And I don't like yogart. But my Dr in NC actually gave me some very helpful news last time I had to go on antibiotics... apparently drinking buttermilk can offset the YI, just like yogart can. And I love buttermilk. I'm guessing if you aren't from the south, you probably don't know what buttermilk is, other than something people use to make pancakes. But it is something that some people still drink, which in and of itself is pretty gross, since its fermented milk and the whole process is dependant on a bacteria, but I'm sure I've already grossed-out anyone still reading quite enough, so I'll just stop by saying I'll grab some Buttermilk at Vons on the way home from work today.

Other than the pain and oogieness of the weekend, there isn't much to tell. Given my need to lie very still in one spot, I read "On Wings of Song" by Thomas Disch which was really good. Slow in a spot or two, but overall fascinating. I also read some more Nietzche. Having to re-train my brain to read philosophy, but I'm getting there. I'm actually seeing a sense of humor in good ol' Friedrich. Or maybe that's just cause I've had a fever for a few days.


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