share with me the moments of you....


Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Pricing Season & Dreams

2003-06-26 5:41 p.m.

Whenever I say "pricing season" I always get this vision in my head of the cartoon where Daffy & Bugs are going back and forth saying "Duck Season!" .... "Rabbit Season" .... "Duck Season" ... but instead of one of those two getting shot by Elmer Fudd, Marriott & Travel Managers & Account Managers everywhere just drop a big ol' bomb on the Revenue Management landscape. Then laugh in a very sinister manner.

So yesterday I spent 8 hours filing out the "pricing worksheet" for my Res Inn. Then today I spent about 6 filing in the productivity. You wouldn't think it would take 6 hours to do that, but since the company production reports don't match the segmentation reports, you have to look at both and come up with the best number..... I should consider myself very lucky that I only have 2 hotels to to that for this year. Last year it was 7, and we had a cluster meeting with all 14 hotels where the whole Regional Team (yes, in capital letters cause they're Important) came for the meeting & I had to make a huge presentation. Now I'm in a cluster with only 10 hotels, and since I have the huge, monthly task of projections for 5 of the 10, I only have business transient pricing for 2. But since Danielle and Ana don't know anything about the TMC part at all, we're doing that separate & I get to do that for all 10 hotels. But on the plus side, that's not as hard. Now that it's my 3rd time doing it and I finally freakin understand the whole TMC piece {{and of course probably no one understands all my jargon, sorry}} it won't be so bad. Plus there's not that many. Go Amex, screw the ones that charge cause they aren't producing anyway, even for the one's in core.

Ok, work rant & jargon talk over.

I dreamed last night I was a guitar player in Aerosmith. Then I was a truck driver, which at the time (in my dream) I thought was cool, until it got all foggy & I was driving on the road from Oakboro to Red Cross and couldn't see.

Then I was in a restaurant where there was a Sales Strategy Meeting going on (work thing) & I realized it had nothing to do with me so I went to the bar. But I was really hungry and only had 5 bucks (kind of like real life) & was trying to figure out how I was going to get some food when my Mom & Dad came in with Ally. So then we went to find a table.

See what happens when you have a margarita on an empty stomach?

Prior to the whole Aerosmith part, I had lots of dreams about being at the church where my family has gone forever. None of the dreams were in the upstairs part (the sanctuary), it was all downstairs, where they have Sunday School & sale sodas & crackers between Sunday School & preaching - so you won't be distracted from the the Fire-And-Brimstone-You're-Going-To-Hell sermon by a growling belly. {yes, I'm bitter, and scarred for life} Lately a lot of my dreams have been happening there. But they're never like nightmares, just dreams with the same setting. Weird.

Ok, 6pm, I'm going home!


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