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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Period Whatever, Week 4/insert hotel name here

2003-07-15 6:21 p.m.

I really hate week 4 of any of our various 13 periods. Instead of using months to measure time, like the rest of the world, marriott uses 13 periods - 364 days / 13 = 28 days, so every period has the same number of weekdays and weekends. Then every 4th year there's an extra day that just accumulates until every 5th year when we have 13 periods and one 5th week. Thinking about leap year and peiod 13 week 5 makes my head hurt, but last year was our week 5 so I won't have to worry about that for a while.

Anyway... in Week 4 of every period I have to update the Evil Soul-Sucking Long Range Projection File. Well, no one calls it Evil & Soul Sucking except me, but IT IS and I hate it. I use to have to do a 3 period update in week 4 for my 3 full service hotels & 1 Residence Inn. Now Whomever at Corporate decided it has to be a 13 period update (currently that takes me through mid July of 04) for the full servs. Yay? So between yesterday & today I've finished 2 of the 3. Yay me. 1 more 13 pd, then my Res Inn, which is still just 3 periods. But my Director of Sales at one of my hotels told me today that she thinks next week 4 I'll have to do a full year 04 update. My job is sucking the life out of me. I've realized it's not California I'm displeased with, it's my job. I'm burnt.

Anybody have any thoughts on what I could do for a different job? Yeah, me neither. The problem is (one of a couple actually), with the cost of living in San Diego, I can't afford much of a pay cut. So I need to find a job in a different industry starting out in the $40,000 range. Not likely I think. Doesn't help any that I have no clue what I want to do. So I can't determine what skills I have that would help, what I need to polish & what I need to learn. I feel so lost sometimes.

insert cool segue here cause I can't think of one.....

James Marster's band is playing in Hollywood on July 21st. 'Course that's a monday & I have to work on Tuesday. And I'll probably spend what little $$ I have this weekend at comic con, so I guess I won't be seeing GoTR next monday. Maybe next time.

No segue, again -- I'm addicted to Mt. Dew. I'm trying to cut my carb consumption after reading how Angela's diet is making her feel great. High protien, low carbs? No problems! Except for The Dew. Damnit. I'll keep working on it.....

~later days


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