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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

Crock Pots Rock!!!

2003-08-19 5:21 p.m.

Sunday night I decided to use the crock pot since using the oven makes life miserable in 85 degree weather. So I took some beef, cut for stew, added 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup, some water & some garlic powder, put it all in the crock pot, set it to low - then went to bed. Yesterday morning I switched it off, placed it in the fridge before I went to work. Can I just tell you that dinner was amazing last night! The meat was all tender and the soup helped to make an amazing gravy. I've never had much luck with gravy, but this was so yummy :-) Yay for the crock-pot.

I made a big decision last night, somewhere in between the hour on the phone with Jody and the 20 mins or so on the phone with David (I love my guys :-) I decided it's time to step up to the plate as far as the job stitch goes. Come spring, I'm going for a promotion, more than likely in Revenue Management - possibly in the land of Courtyard.

I've debated this long and hard, mainly because my job is dull. Easy for me because I'm good with the computer stuff. Suck with spelling, but good with Marriott's reservation system - and the 5 or so other systems we use in our daily Revenue Management lives. But still, dull. So the promotion means more of the same, plus more meetings, but also more money. More money is good.

Since I'm pretty much set that I don't plan on looking for a man for many moons to come & darn sure won't be getting a roommate - there's not many ways I can cut my expenses. (I did save $23 Sunday buying stuff on Von's special :-) I want extra $$. Right now I have high expenses (rent - $1000 a month - insert cussing here), some extra spending money. But you know what? I want more than "some" extra spending money! I want to go see Pella in Feb {{yeah, I know what I said last week about the Drama Show, but some cool people made some great points about why I should retract that statement}}, I want a new mattress set. I want a new computer & high speed. I also want a new car. So I've sold out to the materialistic side of life. So what?

I can still have the satisfaction of knowing I'm paying for my materialism myself. I'm not ready to go all the way back east yet, eventually, but not yet - so I guess it's time to buckle down and throw some focus in the work direction.

ok, I was on a roll, or a ramble but then I stopped to answer an e-mail and am totally lost. So I think I'll call it a day :-)

~later days!


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