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Photos Copyright(c) Rockapella. Used With Permission

change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

The Weekend of the Lap Dog

2003-10-20 4:28 p.m.

I live about 4 miles from Miramar Marine Air Base. Jets and helicopters and marines. I've lived in my apartment 10 and 1/2 months and have probably heard a jet maybe 5 times and they're never very lound. Since I don't know squat about marine flight patterns I can't tell you where they go, but for the most part they don't fly over my apartment. Until it's Air Show time.

This past weekend was 3 days of Air Show Stuff, including the Blue Angels, firing of cannons, and fireworks on Saturday night. While it was very cool initially that I could see the show by standing on my balcony, it soon just became really loud noise. And my dog was terrified, especially when the jets were low enough to cause all the windows to shake in the apartment. But I guess that's what I get for moving to a military town, ya know?

Other than that, my weekend was uneventful. Watched the Lion King DVD & Stitch the Movie - which I just love. I talked to Christy in Tampa. I crossed the picket line on Sunday at Vons. I apparently didn't need to worry about buying meet because the meat that they had wasn't worth buying. Fresh foods were not in abundance. So I'll be eating a lot of frozen stuff for a while I guess. But other than the lack of fresh food and one old coot trying to block me from getting a buggy, there were no problems.

Today I got to work & caught up on everyone's weekends. It sounds like much Pella & Sean fun was had, which is always good. Not as good was finding out Rachel got the blame for something I said. Sorry Rach ;-) I didn't think it was anything all that bad, but as you know, opinions get you in trouble. But I e-mailed the parties involved and hopefully all sides can go back to their nuteral corners. Either that or I'll just be one of the peeps Laura tells to lick her scrotum (sp?).

Then back to the good, I got an e-mail from someone I went to high school with but had not talked to in many a moon. That was way cool. So we e-mailed a bunch today playing catch-up.

Overall, not a bad couple of days.


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