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change of pictures.... - 2004-09-10

Pet Peeve Rant - 2004-09-08

Ah Frances - 2004-08-31

Happy Birthday Mo!!! - 2004-08-25

Best Monday EVER - 2004-08-24

ACC and Poor Little Harmony

2004-01-15 4:43 p.m.

Last night was an Awesome TV night! The Carolina/Maryland game was on ESPN and it was a nail biter. Sadly, the Tarheels lost but it was still a great game. Then at 9.... A New Angel!!! Woo-Who! It's only been what, 7 weeks?

I loved the episode. It started off with one of those "propaganda" videos they always show you when you start at a new company - basic theme: Yay Wolfram and Hart! I was having flashbacks to all the Marriott propaganda I've seen over my 8 and 1/2 years with the company. Then with no segue at all we go to Harmony's bedroom and we see how she starts her day. Poor sad little Harmony. She speaks to the neighbor, who doesn't speak back & she gets growled at by the dog.

Then she heads off to work where no one will talk to her in the employee caf, some guy yells at her for warming up Angel's blood, then Angel treats her like the "doormat secretary". Poor little girl takes it all in stride :-( The Spike pops round to say he's leaving. He gives Fred (a much more girly with the make-up Fred) a big heart-felt speach and the totally ignores Harm. Mercedes McNab gave a great perfomanace there with the "tearing up, but trying not" to scene. Who among us gals hasn't been at that moment in our lives over some stupid guy?

As the show goes on we see more of Harmony being taken for granted by Angel's gang & more of Harmony being ignored by her co-workers. Cute side note... she had little unicorns on her thermos! Yay for continuity!!! That night Fred takes her out to have a gals night at the local bar and convinces her to chat up a guy at the bar. Harmony tries for a little small talk and then boom, flash to Harm's bed & bar-guy (who's name she can't remember) is dead in the bed. Oops!

Then we see poor little Harm, who's not much with the brain power, try to get rid of the body, then go to work acting all normal. But wouldn't you know it, dead guy is suppose to be at some big pow-wow at Wolfram and Hart. Seems he's the crucial link in trying to get two waring demon tribes to stop with the fighting. Oops again.

In order to "cover up" her crime, Harm has to try and snoop around Fred's autopsy, knock the blood testing guy in the head and shove him in the closet, knock Lorne in the head and shove him in the closet, then knock Fred out and shover her in the closet too. Her little brain finally figures out that she couldn't have bit the guy cause she's a "right-biter" - meaning she feeds from your left side + she can't remember anything after the lemon drops + big summit = she's being framed. Yay for Harm!

Turns out it was a jealous vamp gal from the steno pool who was jealous over Harm's "sweet" job promotion, so she framed Harmony. This of course leads to fighting. Since the fight started in the lunch room, it of course it makes sense that chopsticks would be a major part of the fight (vamps + wood + heart = dust, which is bad). Great fight scene - seriously. Harm finally gets the upper hand, it seem by hair pulling, and is draggin Green-Eyed-Gal to Angel's office to get her to fess up. More fighting happens and Harmony ends up dusting the gal on the conference room table in front of the waring tribes. Silly demons, they think it's a good thing and the summit goes on as planned.

Harm explains the whole saga to Angel (off screen), who doesn't fire her, but instead sends her for coffee. So after her two day ordeal she's back to where she started, doormat. :-( She goes to the bar after work and who should pop up but Spike. Seems he's a little nervous about trying to find Buffy. He thinks him being alive will "cheapen" the effect him burning up to save the world had. {men are so silly}. Again we see some great acting her by Mercedes, with her subtle jab both to herself for having let Spike treat her like crap before, and a jab to him for having done so.

But Harm's still mopey, thinking she doesn't matter. Good on Spike for trying to pep-talk her out of the blues. He told her that she obviously does matter, at least she did to the chick who was jealous enough to set her up. That seemed to be enough for Harmony. End episode.

The previews for next week looked AWESOME!!!!! Very Head-Trippy. The official title is Soul Purpose, which sounds like it'll have more to do with the Shan-shu prophecy thing.

Then *** SPOILER ALERT *** on Jan 28, we have what should be an awesome episode called Damage which was written by my two favorite writers: Drew Goddard and Steven DeKnight!!!! It's suppose to be about this gal who was in a mental institution and was catatonic but then suddenly, say last May-ish, she was not only awake but had "almost super-human strength". Hhhhmmmmmm..... maybe super-human, like Slayer Strength????????? I'm very excited about this ep!

Then, on Feb 4th we have the big 100th Episode!!! It's titled You're Welcome and in it Cordelia finally wakes from her coma. I'm hoping since it's #100 that Joss will have either written or directed, or maybe both, but I'm not willing to dive deep enough into spoiler land to find out. I will keep my fingers crossed though.

Ok, I'm outtie!

Day 2 Goal: 10 ciggies: accomplished!!


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